ysd was my third time cying in nyjc. i wonder if i really dont meant to be in this sch. in srjc, i will not be broke down and i have nicer frens.
The 1st time crying is because of pw, so upset that my ldr is not engaging enuf but luckily now he is and i am not so upset. Thank You Gladys for letting me pour my tots to u :)
The 2nd time is when i tot i will fail my maths badly then i really really broke down liao and Jamie caught me red-handed. Thanks Jamie for the tissue and u so funny cry tgt with me but i see ppl cry i sometimes will act the same way as u do. Lols.
The 3rd time is ysd due to bridge. I dont mind he joked that my voice like sa jiao-ing but he shldnt --- when he is losing, he is just venting anger on me, i can tell so clearly. he everytime jokes in this manner but he harsh and in fact he means it. he is just not the cut for joking. But luckily Thank You ZhiYuan for consoling me, dont know whether u are really consoling me but i can feel that u want me to feel better and i really felt better and enjoyed the other games of bridge.
Cigarettes are getting ex-er. Here is why: I saw sbdy's cigarette dropped on the floor but he w/o hesitation picked it up and put in his mouth and continuing the "harming his body" process...
Tue's accountI pungseh JunYan Michelle Daniel go find my "only free on tuesday" fren. lols. was guilty that i dua my 'clique' but Gladys is also my clique! haha anyway i am jus too popular, i cant just stop meeting my PL mates. i miss them woman!
So we spent the afternoon playing Nintendo Wii playstation. It was so fun i dont regret meeting Gladys liao. lols. I love the catching game and the music game haha it is so like drum but funner! haha i wanna play again! i wonder when can i play. Stewpid make me addicted.
Gladys playing Wii (:And I finally got the belated belated present from Edwin. lols. He gave me MINERAL WATER H20 cos that is my fav. drink.!!!!LOL but i also got a key chain watch, i luv it cos is so cute. the watch is tgt with the shoe.
Thank You Edwin!
Fav. bdae gift -.- lolslolslols
Keychain watch. So cool!Wed's accountSo surprised. Everybody like to give me belated belated gift. lol that's the trend bah. Joanne gave me a strawberry vacuum cleaner haha now i can clean my laptop keyboard so conveniently! Thank You!
My lucky min Strawberry Vacuum Cleaner... I tot it was a beetle at first. lols.Haha I got the luck now...maybe i can pass my promos!
My results for promos!:
Chinese ----- C
Maths ------ E
Physics ----- U
Economics -- U
GP --------- D
Stewpid Chem dont return us! Hope I get 30 for mcq or moderate abt 10 marks! cos i jus need 1 more H2 subject to pass!
Michelle trying Jiayi jacket but she jus cant fit in! LOLs.
Saw this cute monkey in macs and i took the photo secretly.