Caption: How is work going?
I found this picture! damn cool! lololol...
Upset. Ysd was discussing some BGR prob of my frens. Dun know why when my fren say to me "I know you big size but all gals are weaker than guys." Even thugh she say 'no offence', but I stil got hurt lah. Nt becuz she say not horizontally challenged size cuz i also admit it and always say to my frens and family too. The real reason is she thinks I am thinking of her prob based on my own pespective only. But I am actually putting myself in her shoes lah. I dun know lah, this makes me feel helpless as I cannot help her. Maye I shouldnt think too much.
Anyway, today jus saw Huiling and dunno I feel that I so miss her cuz she jus came back from Thai since 15th Nov. So long lor! And nearby, Bangkok so scary! Got ppl kena shot and the airport closed down and so Huiling had to stay one more night without her home sweet home ): We went Swensens with our church cell grp++. We ordered Salmon Baked Rice Pasta and Ice Cream Earthquake. Wa I first time go there eat since a decade liao!!! The baked rice damn nice lor. Real RICE leh!!! LoLs. And the icecream got EIGHT!!! different types lor. Cool. Sounds like I am a noob lolols.
From the pic, you can tell the reason of the 8 earthquakes is the huge volcano in the middle!
Yay man. Today went shopping wif WenYi and Huiling. wa first time tried Tube and Spaghetti dresses. Some look damn nice and fitting for me but some hehe, too fat for me and maybe cuz my chests too nice. LOLOLOL. But anyway I bought one blouse that is can wear out and work de. Damn nice. Supo fit me lor. I also got jacket. Half de. Damn cool. I want to buy more de! Hehe. Huiling say tmr go shopping wif me again at Bugis straight after my work. I am so excited now.But Gladys, I also wanna shop wif you!
We Promise de. Wif Pris. Ruth. n XiYing too!!! :) :) :)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------